Woke Women Smoke Weed

Woke Women Smoke Weed

I am a woman who is obviously quite heavily involved with cannabis culture. I enjoy using cannabis medically and for recreation, I read up on as much weed related news as I can, and sometimes when I’m looking for some LOLs, I will scroll through “weed...
Aura Flowermate Portable Vaporizer Review

Aura Flowermate Portable Vaporizer Review

I have been consuming the cannabis flower for many years of my life. Although, when I was first acquainted with what we just called “weed,” the only well-known way to consume it was just by smoking it, either rolled up or packed into some kind of bowl. As...
Red Congolese Blog

Red Congolese Blog

Despite Canada still being some time away from our legalization date, certain pockets of the country have been much more permissive in terms of providing compassionate care to patients who choose to medicate with cannabis. Victoria, Lower Mainland B.C., and Toronto...
Platinum Girl Scout Cookies Blog

Platinum Girl Scout Cookies Blog

Based off of my current state of mind, I have decided to eschew coyness and get straight to the facts. The time has come for me to receive my monthly womanly gift and/or burden, and that means that I will be requiring some extra medicating for some mild cramping,...
Pineapple Express Blog

Pineapple Express Blog

If you were to ever meet me IRL (in real life) you would see that I am the type of person who is tough to get a real read on; it’s hard to break through my walls if you don’t know me, and even if you do know me, I will still be pretty reluctant to show my true...
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