Once upon a long time ago, I attempted to become a more responsible and law-adhering citizen of society. After completing a bachelor’s degree that I was not planning to put into use, I moved back to my hometown, and then lounged idly around trying to decide what I wanted to do with my life next. I was feeling a lot like a valueless sack of shit at that time, and therefore, resolved to start searching for different ways to make myself feel like a better person. I had not touched weed for a period of 2 months, was working on dropping my cigarette habit, and had adopted a new cardio routine to kick some of the tar out of my lungs. If I was not progressing far with any career plans, at least I was trying to become somewhat of a more organized and healthier human being, right?

Although my plans sounded decent in theory, I botched the execution pretty quickly. After little time, I decided that I hated running laps, and that I was getting bored by the new writing project I was working on. I turned back to the habit I regretted giving up, feeling like I really needed to get myself some “herbal motivation” to make things better. I asked a friend to find me some strong medical cannabis that would light a fire under my butt while I was running and also spark creativity when I was writing. My friend came through, but what I had neglected to remember was that my weed tolerance was non-existent, and what sounded like an ideal strain for my situation ended up being too potent and too much of a mind-fuck for me to handle. After using this strain, I ended up staring blankly at empty Word docs, and although it did make running more tolerable, I would end up so mentally tired that I would need a nap to recover after each run (very counterproductive for my new routine).

Super Lemon Haze was way out of my league back then, but I learned a good lesson about tolerance and potency this way. Super Lemon Haze was a gateway into learning more about medical cannabis for me, and that 2016 tolerance break was the last break that I ever took from cannabis. Therefore, to cut to the chase, I have procured another batch of Super Lemon Haze over a year after my first experience, and with my tolerance built up, I am SUPER excited to give her another go.

Awake in the middle of the night, as usual, at my place of work, with a coworker on shift as my only source of human contact. He offers me conversational breaks amidst my attempts to start writing. I was finding it difficult to start working at first because all I wanted to do was talk and be social; my thoughts were all moving rapid fire, and they were all funny and interesting and exciting and I just wanted to share them all. I think that if I were smoking this alone, I would end up just staring at a blank wall with a random grin on my face from being really happy for no reason. Super Lemon Haze is a favourite for marathon runners, and I can see why; I’m sitting here on my computer, but I’m also just slightly tempted to get up and start running nowhere in particular, or do something that requires me moving really fast and doing lots of stuff. Actually, if I was smoking this on my own, I would likely be rapidly organizing my closet with a huge grin on my face, while thinking up a million more things to do, and then probably forgetting my original task to go do them. When you are still in the process of enjoying this sweet lemony smoke, the cerebral part of the high will take a little while to hit you, although I felt my heart rate increase almost immediately. I suppose this is why this strain is not the best for anxious or tightly-wound individuals, as the quickening heart rate could probably trigger some intense panic or anxiety. And, as I have already learned, SLH is best left to only experienced smokers, although even veterans should note that a little will go a long way. SLH is exceptionally potent, extremely energetic and stimulating, and the THC content of this strain can reach close to 25%. The effects of this strain are quite unique and wonderful, but also powerful and initially overwhelming.

Click for Strain Overview

Super Lemon Haze is essentially a teleportation device that takes you to wherever your happy place may be, while simultaneously giving you a nice light back rub. There are a few caveats to space and/or time travel, however. Firstly, although the desire to converse with others is strong, you may have such rapidly moving thoughts that you tangle up your words, or even get totally distracted from the present moment. SLH gets me so amped up that sometimes I become an awkward spazz that should not be exposing herself to any public places; it’s like I somehow feel both spacey and clear-headed at the same time. I also recommend only using the strain before engaging in some sort of stimulating activity, otherwise you will probably be literally bouncing off the walls. Luckily, Super Lemon Haze could probably make running inside of a hamster wheel seem like a stimulating activity. Also, beware of the munchies, as there will be no escape from your raging appetite, and your hunger will eventually take over and become the conductor of your fast-moving train of thoughts. Imbibing on an empty stomach also invites the possibility of head pressure or dizziness. To once again attempt to make a long story short, SLH is a dazzling beauty that simply just aims to please, but make sure you know your way around a well grown bush in order to truly reach apical heights with her.


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