In many Hindu traditions, usually the most important Gods and Goddesses are depicted as having blue skin. Vishnu is one of three supreme deities in Hinduism, he is the “Preserver,” and hence, he is tasked with protecting the Universe, destroying evil, and restoring justice. Vishnu is iconically depicted as a four-armed being, who is smiling and serene, and donning a pale blue complexion. Two of Vishnu’s avatars, or Earthly incarnations, Rama and Krishna, are also often described as being blue in colour. Lastly, another supreme deity, Shiva the “Destroyer,” is also told to be blue in the throat.

The detailed epics behind Hinduism’s mythical beings are all extremely captivating in their own right, although I argue that no other God is quite as interesting as Lord Shiva. With as little detail as possible, much worship devoted to Shiva revolves around sexuality, as well as cannabis. Many followers worship Shiva in the form of a Lingam, which is essentially the male phallus, or male sexual energy. Shiva’s consort, Shakti, represents Yoni, or female divinity, and the two are often worshipped in tandem. Therefore, although many of Shiva’s most devout followers remain celibate, one could still say that a celebration of sexual energies can be interpreted as a form of worship towards Shiva.

Shiva Smoking a Chillum. Image Source: Pinterest

Hinduism is full of many complex tales that tell lessons in the form of legendary stories. As I mentioned above, Shiva is depicted as being blue in his throat, and this is because he is said to have swallowed a lethal poison that would have otherwise destroyed the entire Universe. In order to cool down from the poison, Shiva was offered Bhang, or a drink made from the leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant. A second tale of Shiva and cannabis tells of him having a dispute with his family, running away, and falling asleep under a plant. After waking and consuming some of the leaves out of hunger, he felt rejuvenated and refreshed, and then decided that cannabis was his favourite thing to consume. Shiva is said to always be using cannabis, and is most often depicted smoking a chillum, with his eyes partly closed, and in a meditative position. Many Shaivas believe that cannabis is an offering from their Ultimate God, and hence Bhang or Ganja may be ingested or inhaled during prayer to Shiva.

Evidently, every detail about a particular God or Goddess comes with its own tale and deep symbolism. Consequently, this may lead some people to wonder, why have these deities been depicted in their legends as being Blue Gods? It appears that in Hindu literature the words for blue and black were used synonymously to mean ‘darkness.’ Blueness or darkness is said to be a symbol of the infinite, the immeasurable, and that which pervades reality. Whatever the mortal eye sees as “blue,” such as the sky or the ocean, is actually transcendental, and therefore blue is the only way for humans to give form to the divine, or, that which is inherently formless. Blue is Heaven, blue is wisdom, blue is Truth.

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Blue God also happens to be the name of an indica-dominant cannabis strain, and fortunately, the story behind the characteristics of this Blue God are a lot simpler than that of the Hindu Gods. Blue God was bred by Jordan of the Islands, on the island of beautiful British Columbia. Famous already for the God Bud strain, the breeder then crossed this award-winner with another cup-winning cultivar, Blueberry. The resulting cross produces large buds with dark green and purple tones. The flower smells earthy and herbal, although, predictably, the most prominent aroma is that of sweet blueberries. Finally, delightfully enough, the smoke tastes just as it smells, berry sweet and herbal.

The effects of Blue God start out surprisingly refreshing and uplifting, although, then fade slowly into a more nondescript, classic indica-like high. I first purchased this flower in the summer, and my initial time sampling this batch was after a fairly late night out. My other half and I sparked up outside our place, and afterwards we were fully expecting to go in, get ready for bed, and then immediately crash. Incredibly though, as soon as we stepped in, we became entranced within an intense hour-long discussion in the living room, did not start getting ready for bed, and completely forgot that we were super tired. Although, we eventually snapped back to Earth and once again became aware of the time, and the tiredness. Blue God can eventually overtake most people with sedation, especially in high doses, and make for a very peaceful and pain-free night’s sleep. I had a great slumber that night, although something about this strain keeps my partner wide awake.

Blue God is truly a gift from the heavens for anyone who suffers from sleep disorders, chronic pain, anxiety, or any kind of depressed or negative mood. She is a perfect strain to use at the end of an exhausting day to first lift you up, and then bring you gently back down. This strain is one that would be sure to win the favour of Shiva, the cannabis-loving Blue God.



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