There are both good things and bad things about consuming cheese. The good things are: it is delicious, it melts into the perfect glue for an amazing variety of dishes, and the word reminds me of the very interesting time period known as the 90s. Let me explain, the 90’s were a time when only film cameras existed, behooving those who were brought up in the decade to cram as many people into one photo as possible, and then urge them all to simultaneously exclaim homage to this wonderful dairy product before snapping a blurry photo. I mean that’s a totally awesome memory to recall while living in a time of duck faces, t-rex hands, and dog filters, but I digress. The bad things about eating cheese are the subsequent digestive issues and the general feelings of shame following inevitable over-consumption. Similarly, there are both some really awesome, and some not so awesome, things about this following strain, aptly named after the pungent animal-derived product.

I’m currently one of those pretentious people writing in a public place, and I feel awkward AF. I don’t know if it’s because of the weed, or just because I’m out here writing all about weed. The first few times smoking Cheese I was just on my own, and it was all good feels, but now that I’m out in public with it I can detect hints of slight anxiety/paranoia emerging. Other than that, the effects of this strain are pretty awesome, it hits hard and fast, first with a blast of euphoria, and has you looking and feeling visibly stoned. A full body high is present right away, and so are uplifted and energetic feelings. After a long day, you can indulge in Cheese and feel like a brand-new person again, bright, sunny, happy, giggly, and probably even quite talkative. It has been a great strain to write with, because I feel really creative and brimming with ideas, but also quite perfectionistic with my work. The uplifting effects can last quite a long time, maybe even up to 2 hours, and I found that if vaporized, it was possible to feel minimal tiredness later on. But, with a high dosage, the indica effects will hit you eventually; there are intense munchies, couch-lock, and she will make you tired and will give you a good sleep.

The one thing I absolutely hated about Cheese was the taste and the smell, I found it almost sickening. This is truly beautiful looking weed, but it smells like rotting cheese. The odor is probably more pungent than any other weed I’ve sniffed, and the taste matches the smell, that is, you exhale cheddar cheesy smoke. In the vaporizer the cheese taste was even more prominent, and I honestly had to hold my nose to try not to taste it. I hear that some people actually enjoy smoke flavoured with fine aging cheeses, and I have even seen people intentionally purchase e-juice in flavours such as “nacho cheese,” but I personally think that you are sick and disgusting individuals. Sorry, not sorry. Queso closed.

Click for Strain Overview

If I could take all of the effects of Cheese, and replace it with a not so cheesy flavour, it would be like one of the most awesome strains of weed ever. But unfortunately, its pungency is overwhelming to me, and I may be hesitant about picking it up next time I see it around. But hey, if you enjoy the impression of regurgitating old cheese when you blow smoke, jump on this strain right away, because her high is just plain outstanding. Get yourself into a good setting, bring some chips and salsa, and let yourself enjoy some really good feels.


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